The point of dealing with contradictory data in dissertation research is very challenging. However, it is an essential aspect of the whole academic inquiry. The fact that when you face conflicting data, it is very essential to acknowledge it first instead of ignoring its significance. Always start by revisiting your methodology so that you can make sure that the process of data collection is free from bias.
If in the case your methods are strong, the next step is to evaluate the contradictory data deeply. It is good to look for patterns and other factors that may explain the discrepancies. Seeking dissertation help during this stage is going to provide the most valuable insights. It will make it easier to understand the main reason for the conflict.
Once you identify the cause, start discussing these contradictions in your dissertation. it is said that addressing them openly is going to present your critical thinking skills. It will also show your ability to tackle complex data. Make sure that you give a balanced interpretation that will consider all aspects of the data. It will advise possible causes for the inconsistencies which is very essential to know.